+263 9 61349 / 61350
+263 772 232 362


Call +263 9 61349 / 61350 or +263 772 232 362

Request A Quote

QUOTE QUESTIONNAIRE (Please fill in as best as you can – the more information we have the more appropriate and accurate the quote)

Your Name (required)

Your Email (required)


What do you want to Cool or Freeze?

 Office Staff Computer Server Room Meat Drinks Other

What is the general use required?

(Eg. To cool office staff, To Freeze Chicken prior to Distribution)

What is the dimensions of the room?

(Please provide plans & drawings where possible)

What is the quantity of product?

(Eg 20 m2 , 500kg Chicken)

What is the temperature of the products coming in?

(Celsius) (Ignore for Air Conditioning)

What temperature do you need the product to be?

(Celsius) (Ignore for Air Conditioning)

How quickly does this temperature need to be achieved, and for how long?

(Tick 1 or more boxes & add in specific details below if necessary)
 Hours 24 Hours Days Weeks

Let us know if you have any further details or special requests to add to the above-